Thursday, May 20, 2010

Story-Liwa road

It was in the middle of summer and I was driving to Liwa when suddenly I and my family were facing a big traffic jam which contained many people and cars maybe we waited around two hours because it was time for the shopping in a village there.

After this traffic finished I continued the driving to Liwa to visit our relatives there. We began moving the sky became dark and the road there were no lights except my car lights.

When I was driving down the street suddenly I faced a group of camels in front of my car and I tried to avoid them but I could not and I hit one of them. It's body was separated from its head and it was bleed badly.

Although I had a big crash on the high way my car was not damaged so much and I could continue the driving to the next petrol station and maintained my car and continued the journey .

I called the police to start proceedings when they was coming they but the mistake from me because I did not see the camels. I satisfied with their decision because the people must be careful when they drive and take care of bad surprises on the road. Also the government must clear the high way from the animals or rubbish and get rid of anything can make a big problem for people to save humans.

Story- Dark day

It was a dark and gloomy night .I was just about to go to bed when suddenly there was a blood-curdling scream and I knew that voice which I heard and it came from the heart. The blood curdling scream want do it except if there was violence.

After going outside my room I heard it second time and someone scream "Go out from my room what you want from me ". I really knew this voice which it my sister. When I was coming closely from her room I saw someone getaway from the window when I was heard it first time I thought it is joke but second time I 'am really believed it. I thanked good because my sister injured. After the felt I told to her "Tell me what happened " then she said " when she was trying to sleep and switch off light she heard some voices from her cap hand and ignored it. After five minutes the criminal came and tried to kill her and she yelled. This yell look like I heard before.

Next day, we went to the police office to tell them what happened in our house last night and they did the best to catch the criminal. After many complaints from others people they caught him and punished and but him in the prison.

It anyone faces any problems like this crime do not be quiet I advice you to complaint to the police to get rid of all criminals to live happy and safety.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Canning fish

No one can deny that eating is the important thing in our life. Most people like to eat freash fish at least once in week.If not we buy canned fish. In this essay I will discribe the process of how fish is canned.

First of all the fish are caught from sea, ocean or river. Then the fish are delivered to a cannery.In the other words a factory where food is canned. Here they are cleaned from all the dirt. Also the scales and stomach are removed very carefully. Then it are washed for about 15 minutes. After that the salt is added to prevent the growth of micro-organisms. Then the fish are washed again for about 20 minutes. Next the fish are canned and sent to the super markets.

In conclusion, from what has been mentioned above we can learn the procedure of how fish are canned. Also This process can do for every canned food.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

From oilfield to Petrol Station

No one can deny that petrol is playing a vital role in our life and our cars. In this essay I will describe how petrol is refined and gets into our cars.

First, the oil is located under the ground in the desert and under the sea. Next, the oil is pumped through pipelines and it is stored in storage tanks at the refinery like in Um Al Nar. After that, the oil is refined into different products such as, diesel, gas and petrol. The petrol is stored in tanks before it is transported to the petrol stations for example, ADNOC, EPPCO and AL-Emirate by trucks. The petrol is stored in underground tanks waiting for people to come buy it. Finally, petrol is pumped into our cars.

In conclusion, from what I have mentioned above we can see the processes of how petrol is made from oil and gets into my car.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

worst day

In our daily life people face a lot of Psychological problems, sometimes we feel sad and others are happy. In this essay I will write about my worst day which was face me two years ago.

As we can see is the causes of the worst days which is faces me in my life is about lose some things or someone you can't away from him the rest of your life. Because it is anything else if you lose it you can find it except the person who understands you and enjoy with him. Also who considers closest to you and he look like your brothers and he is the best of all that around you . The worst day in my life was when I lost my best friend Abdulla. I lost him due to car accident. When we completed the examinations we have decided to go a trip to Ras Al Khaimah, and when we were going on the road we saw camels on the middle of the street we tried to not shock by it, but it did not move and we were shocked by the camels. After that I tried to help him and while we were going to the hospital he could not endurance of pain and he died because the hospital very far from the accident region.

In conclusion , from what I have mentioned above we can see there is my story about worst day in my life when I lost my best friend and I know I can't find any person like him because he is a special man also he understands me very well.

Monday, March 29, 2010

compare and contrast between online portfolios and normal portfolios.

Nowadays, no one can deny that arrangement your work and papers is important. So you must create a portfolio to arrange your life. In this essay I will help you to decide what kind of portfolios you can choose. And I will compare and contrast between online and tradition paper-based portfolios. Also I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.

In other words portfolios are files that you can save and arrange your papers and work from loss and damage.

We can see the traditional paper-based portfolios which is everyone knows to save our papers and information. It has several advantages such as easy to see a glance when you want to find the information and teacher comments clearly visible also the student's editing is visible. The other advantage is no internet connection required. For example, the teachers at primary school taught us to how to make a paper-based portfolios because we did not have the internet connection. On the other hand there are many disadvantages. It makes you take more and more work and it can exhaust you because it is bulky , easy to lose a lot of copies, difficult to edit and difficult to share or to show to employers or school. A good example last semester some students were too lazy to bring the file with them because it is too heavy and has a lot of paperwork So, one of them left a file in the restaurant and it become dirty.

On the other hand we have a online portfolios which is used in big companies and mostly in the business field. There are many positive and negative points for online portfolios. The first and most important positive point, is online portfolios very easy to edit mistakes so I do not have problems if I do any mistakes. Also it does not make us tired because it is available anywhere and it is very portable. Also I like online portfolios because prevents other people from stealing my work because it is a private file and benefit me in the participation of other opinions and can be commented on by other students also writer can respond to comments. Although there are a number of positives points but there are few negatives. One of the negative points is may or may not be easy to see how the student edited his text, without original copies present.

In my opinion, online portfolios are better than the normal file because it is easier in work you can easily to correct the mistakes and also it does not make us tired because it is very light and you can use the media to be very clear and wonderful.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My compare and contrast between BlackBerry and I phone

Hi, This is my compare and contrast between BlackBerry and Iphone

I hope you to intersting with it .

Sunday, March 7, 2010

compare and contrast between shopping Malls and Souqs

Nowadays, no one can deny that shopping is very important in our lives. Some people like to shop at shopping malls and others from souqs. In this essay I will compare and contrast the similarities and differences between shopping malls and souqs .

There are some distinct similarities between the two. The first similarity is they both have a lot of different goods. You can find in both good quality goods for different purposes on the house. The second similarity is that they both have a lot of facilities to bring the customers. For example, festivals, parking and restaurants .

Although there are a number of similarities they are several differences between shopping malls and souqs. The first and greatest differences that is shop in souqs are cheaper than malls. It is cheaper because the suoqs sell many local goods and the rent is cheaper also. The second difference is that the shopping malls are more comfortable because there are conditionry, nice design, international assistant brand and nice and friendly there.

In conclusion, from what I have mentioned above we can see that shopping in malls and souqs similar in many ways but very different in others. In my opinion shopping in souqs better than malls because in you can bargain with the salesman many goods but in malls you can't . Also they are cheaper and you can save your money .

Monday, March 1, 2010

Compare and constract between studying in the UAE and out side

Compare and constract between study in UAE and out side

Nowadays, everyone wants to continue his studies after graduating high school. There are many people who prefer studying in the UAE more than other countries. In this essay I will compare and contrast the similarities and differences between studying in the UAE and outside.
There are some distinct similarities between the two. The first similarity is that they both have postgraduates. In other words, in any countries you study you will get same grade degree. In addition maybe they work in the same workplace after finish studying. The second similarity is that they both can meet a lot of friends , teachers and lectures. Meet many people is that can increase your culture and also they can exchange the information .
Although there are a number of similarities there are several differences between studying in the UAE and outside. The first and greatest difference that is studying in the UAE sometimes is more easier than outside because here teachers and lecturs are friendly with students. Also they ready to repeat the information many and different ways until they understand it. The second difference that is studying in the UAE you will be near to your family and friend. On the other hand if you study outside is difficult to get the information and a lot of days you feel uncomfortable and somber.
In conclusion, from what has been mentioned above, we can see that study in UAE and outside are similar in many ways but very different in others. In my opinion studying in the UAE is more comfortable and contentment than outside because you are near your family and friends. when you need any help or support they are provide you and is easy to get it. Also I think in our society if the student study in here country they will get marks better and GPA higher than if they study in another countries .

Planning a trip to the desert

How to Plan a trip to the desert ?

Everyone should change the daily routine and do a number of trips. In this essay Iam going to describe the steps to how to get ready to do desert trip.

First of all find out what the weather will be like to know what kind of things to take with you. Second you must have a four-wheel car to drive in the desert. Next you have to go with a huge number of people to be more interesting also to help and play together. Then don't forget to bring firewood, charcoal and gas to ignite the fire. After that you have to bring a variety food and drinks because there are no markets to buy anything. Following that I advise you to take some light with you because gets very dark. Finally you need to get JPS to know the place, where are you in desert.

In conclusion, from what has been mentioned above, we can see it is not dificult to do a trip to the desert if you follow these basic steps.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

prepare a wedding party

How to prepare a wedding party

Nowadays there are many people who face a lot of problems with how to prepare the wedding party. In this essay I will discuss and explain how you can plan the wedding party and I will try to make it easier to you.

First of all you must have a healthy bank account so you can pay all the expenses of wedding. Second you choose where you need to make the wedding for example, in ballroom, hotel and tent. After that you must reserve in the right place. Next you have to buy gold jewellery for the bride also you have to rent or buy the bridal gown after she has chosen it. Then the bride has to go to a salon with her family to be more do beauty treatments. After that for the wedding to be more interesting you should not forget the photographer and band music. In addition make invitations and decide how many to send. Finally, if you don't know how to prepare it you can go to wedding planners to do everything.

In conclusion, from what has been mentioned above, we can see the steps of how to prepare a good wedding party.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mohamed Fadaq 200818286

Hi , my name is Mohamed. I am 19. I studied one year in the UAE University. My major was Science . But then I transfered to College of Technology in Abu Dhabi and my major is business . I love a lot of sports but the greatest sport is table tennis. Also I am interested when I play table tennis with my father and my brothers. Also sometimes we challenge ourselves in this good game .